Tag Archives: your game

Better Golf Through Knowledge

Better Golf… Through Knowledge It is said that “What you don’t know can’t hurt you”. In golf, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Let’s take a look at a few things the average golfer probably doesn’t know about and how these things are probably costing you strokes. Practice makes perfect… Read more

Dressing to Win Your Golf Game

Golf is about patience, vision, and what you wear. That’s right, what you wear can have a major effect on your game. Golf is a unique game that doesn’t always spell out a specific dress uniform for golfers, but if you aren’t thinking about what to wear your game can suffer. Included below are some […] Read more

The Three Essentials Of The Golf Swing

Now to my mind the foregoing are the three basic feels of the golf swing–the pivot, the shoulders moving in response to the pivot, and the arms moving in response to the shoulders. These are the basic movements of a connected and therefore controlled swing, and they must all be built into the framework of […] Read more

Are You Looking for a Free Golf Swing Lesson

A free golf swing lesson seems a little too good to be true. But there are actually a variety of websites available that offer free videos to help you improve your swing. Golfing is a fun sport that people of all ages enjoy. Children as young as three and four years old are playing as […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips
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