Tag Archives: your body

Better Golf Solutions Start With One Simple Approach

Better golf solutions is a mystery for the average golfer. Finding the magic bullet that’s going to cure your game overnight isn’t going to happen. In looking for better golf solutions, you’ve got to think about what’s the main reason you’re not making a sound, repeatable golf swing that generates power and accuracy? Read more

Do You Want To Play Par Golf

The key to playing par golf is to focus on more than just golf techniques, and pay attention to your entire body. Fitness is key to any sport, whether you’re running up and down a basketball court, throwing a football or playing the links. Without a proper fitness routine, your body is not going to […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

10 Ways to Increase Your Energy Instantly with a Golf Performance Diet

A golf conditioning program should always be accompanied by a solid golf nutrition plan. In essence, what you eat determines how you play. So, which foods produce champions and which foods hinder play? Let me give you a few hints. It goes without saying that proper nutrition is important for all of us. But, if […] Read more
Category: Swing Secrets

Women Golfers Have The Drive For Success

Watching the tournament rounds of today’s LPGA players is more exciting than ever. Annika Sorenstam continues to dominate women’s golf and shows where finesse, strength and athleticism come together to make way for the future. Is today’s female golfer really that different? You need only look as far as statistics from previous Read more