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Basics Of Golf Swing Instruction Go With Exercises

Golf swing instruction starts with an understanding of the different segments of the golf swing. Understanding the golf swing segments will give anybody a firm foundation to learn all the tricks of the trade from others and thus be able to understand any golf swing instruction aimed at helping them improve their game. There are […] Read more

The Short Golf Shot – Two Very Important Rules

So many beginners move their legs and lift their heels during the short golf shot. This is far too many moving parts leading to sloppy shots and lack of firmness. So do not move your lower limbs consciously during your swing. Keeping them still will help you develop a feeling of firmness when you play […] Read more

Dressing to Win Your Golf Game

Golf is about patience, vision, and what you wear. That’s right, what you wear can have a major effect on your game. Golf is a unique game that doesn’t always spell out a specific dress uniform for golfers, but if you aren’t thinking about what to wear your game can suffer. Included below are some […] Read more

Buying the Best Clubs for Beginners

A new set of clubs for beginners is really not necessary; in fact the higher end clubs can be a hindrance on your game. Golf is unique in the fact that the sport requires a group of instruments, and equipment to play in full. Many sports like baseball or basketball just require a few items […] Read more

Don t Get Ripped Off On Golf Vacations

Whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a 10 day golf adventure to the Caribbean, there is one thing in common with all golf trips and vacations… rip-offs are common. Here are a few things to be careful of when booking your next golf trip. 1. Cart Fees. Many courses will require you to rent […] Read more
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