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Planning A Charity Golf Tournament

Looking for tips on planning a charity golf tournament? There are many factors to consider, so I’ll stick to the four main ones for this article. The success of your charity golf event revolves around maximizing player turnout, increasing pledge sizes, obtaining sponsored prizes, and planning tips. Player Turnout Your success depends on how Read more

Core Training For Golfers

Core training for golfers is a must for developing maximum power and distance. As in all athletics, the core is your engine. Everything comes from the core! The modern golf swing is definitely a “core-focused” movement; unlike the older swing technique of lower body action dominant. You probably have heard the term core training for Read more

Curing Basic Golfing Ailments

Secrets to Fixing the Slice Slicing on the golf course is frustrating, embarrassing, and typically uncontrollable. You stand there helplessly as you watch your ball make its way toward to rough and you know that you will be lucky to find it again. Slicing the golf ball is the most common golfing ailment there is, […] Read more

Ballyliffin Golf Club s History Of Success And Failures

Ireland is a bastion of golf course, whether be it parkland or links courses, and they have more than enough for its 4 million population to accommodate many other golfers from all over the world. Blessed with beautiful land and scenic views, vacation golf spots in Ireland are a definite must-play and should provide a […] Read more

Great Golf Courses Across America

One of the most beautiful aspects of the game of golf is the variance between playing terrains. There are great courses, and there are terrible ones, but there’s a world of new playing experiences available to you. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the top places to play golf across America. – Pebble Beach […] Read more
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