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Discounted Golf Product Shopping

There is not a store in America that anyone actually wants to pay full price for an item. When you are buying golf equipment, you can go to many brick and mortar based buildings for golfing tools, balls, and other equipment or you can choose to explore resale shops, Pro Shops, and Internet shopping malls […] Read more

Better Golf Solutions Start With One Simple Approach

Better golf solutions is a mystery for the average golfer. Finding the magic bullet that’s going to cure your game overnight isn’t going to happen. In looking for better golf solutions, you’ve got to think about what’s the main reason you’re not making a sound, repeatable golf swing that generates power and accuracy? Read more

Avoiding Golf Overload – Your Guide To Finding The Right Golf Instruction Tutorials

I’m sure you’ve been made familiar with the popular golf instruction aids & tutorials that you’ve seen in the pro shops, online at bookstores like Amazon and on specialty sites all over the web. You might even be suffering from golf overload! While your first inclination might be to give that new product a try, […] Read more

Did The Game Of Golf Originate From Outer Space

Art Bell I live by the golf course and almost eveynight there are UFOs at the links . I have it figured out why the UFOs come back everynight. It is for the 9th hole on the golf course. The exact origins of the game of golf remain a subject of continual debate. Although Scotland […] Read more

Developing A Good Draw Golf Shot

A good golf swing will not only lower your handicap, it will make the game more enjoyable. Now that you have cured your slice and can keep the ball in the fairway most of the time, you can now start working on controlling the ball. Putting the proper spin on the ball will allow you […] Read more
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