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Golf Instruction Recommendations

Are your golf skills up to par? If not, golf instruction can help improve your swing, and your status on the links. With the exception of those natural born Sultans of Swat, every golfer can benefit from golf instruction. Consulting with a professional golf pro can diagnose your hooks target the weaknesses in your swing. […] Read more
Category: Swing Secrets

Do You Know All Of The Best Golf Tips

If you do not yet know all of the top golf tips that there are to be found then you had better get a move on. If you want to improve your game that is. There is no better way to brush up on your playing than to make use of some great golf tips. […] Read more
Category: Swing Secrets

Discounted Deals For Your Golf Equipment

Purchase of new golf equipment can sometimes be unaffordable for most people. Golf equipment is very expensive and you might have to dig through your bank account to get a new kit. Most people however are not in a position to do this. People who have just taken up golf or are pursuing it as […] Read more
Category: Swing Secrets

Golf Tips Disasters To Avoid In The Down Swing

Why do so many golfers have problems with their downswing? Here are some tips to help you avoid a disaster in your downswing. One of the major flaws in a player`s game is the eternal preoccupation with the club head. There are three main reasons. The first is that golfers, like other people, want to […] Read more
Category: Swing Secrets

World s Top Five Golf Courses

Wonder where the world’s richest, famous, and avid golfers tee off? In a sport where the playing field is not as rigid or as restricted as other forms of sport, the outdoor can make the difference. Where nature is not only the backdrop but the playing field itself, how this sport is played is what […] Read more
Category: Swing Secrets
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