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Can A Golfer Do Without Golf Fitness And Exercise

Just how important is golf fitness and exercise to a golfer today in the modern game? Can a good amateur or even professional golfer do without it and still maximize their potential? Will they still be able to enjoy their game and see constant improvements or at least consistency in their quality of play? Those […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Golf Instruction Tip For Exercises In Your Office

If you are the typical enthusiastic golfer who thinks about the game all the time, even when you are in the office, then this golf instruction tip for exercises in your office will be of great help. But first it is important to appreciate the value of stretching exercises, which is what the golf instruction […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Dealing With Down Slopes

In some of my golf tips I tell the story about playing a course which had severe fairway undulations. I could see where the course would be discouraging for recreational golfers. I seldom had a flat lie on the course. In fact, it was so hilly, I was almost always hitting from some kind of […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Buy Cheap Golf Shoes And Have Money For Other Equipment

When you are trying to decide how to assemble your golf package, you need to look at what exactly you need and weigh all alternatives in order to make wise purchases. If you are shopping on a budget then you need to take time to decide what you can spend little on in order to […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Golf Tips The Down Swing

The first movement from the top of the swing is a lateral thrust of the hips to the left, eventually followed by an automatic turning of the hips. This is true. But there is more than that. Here are some great tips to improve your downswing. The hips must not only move to the left […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips
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