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Can the Newer Technology of Golf Clubs Improve Your Score

The newest golf clubs are much more high tech than even a few years ago. It seems easier than ever before to improve your game with a new golf club. The modern golf clubs are more lightweight and have larger sweet spots. They’re designed to help you hit more consistent shots, while allowing more room […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

9 Tips for playing well under pressure.

Get Every Putt to the Hole In team formats, it pays to get the ball to the hole, if only to give your partners a good read. Most putts come up short because the player decelerates on the through-stroke. Instead, make sure your through-stroke is as long or slightly longer than your backstroke. Minimize Your […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Plan A Golfing Vacation With Friends

If you have a desire to do some golfing during the holiday seasons, you can plan a golfing trip for you and your friends. During the cold winter months in the northern parts of the country, a day out on the course does not come easy. Many men and women enjoy traveling to other areas […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Do You Have A One-Plane Or Two-Plane Swing

The concept of plane confuses some players. It also confuses some players that come to me for golf lessons. Many are unclear about what it is and what its impact is on your golf swing. Whether you understand the concept of plane or not, swinging off plane is never good. Focusing on two points–spine angle […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Correcting a Golf Slice

Slicing the ball is a common problem among golfers. A slice is when the ball travels from one direction to the other [depending on the left or right-handedness of the golfer], generally not in the direction you want it to go. This contrariness of the ball not to go straight toward the hole is the […] Read more
Category: Golf Tips
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